Wirepas firmware v.4. User Guide
In the following are described the features of the Wirepas Firmware v.4.x developed for the BlueUp Positioning Application
BlueUp Custom Packets (73/73)
BlueUp custom packets are sent on source/destination endpoint 73/73.
In the following are described the BlueUp packets sent by Wirepas devices.
State Packet
Each time a state-transition is triggered a network scan is performed and a dedicated custom data message is sent to the MQTT broker over the mesh network.
Data message is sent on source/destination endpoint 73/73.
Byte | Description | Value (hex) | Bytes | Details |
1 | Type | 0x01 | 1 | Packet type |
2 | Length | 0x07 | 1 | Length of the Data field |
3 | Data | Variable | 1 | Firmware version 0x20 = 2.0 |
4 | Variable | 1 | Tag state 0x00 = DEFAULT 0x01 = MOTION 0x02 = ALARM 0x03 = SLEEP | |
5 | Variable | 1 | Alarm event 0x00 = no alarm 0x01 = button pressed (short) 0x02 = button pressed (long) 0x03 = button pressed (double click) 0x04 = Horizontal position detection 0x05 = Free-fall detection 0x06 = Shock detection 0x07 = Man-Down detection | |
6-7 | Variable | 2 (BE) | Battery voltage (mV) | |
8 | Variable | 1 | Node class values 0xF9 to 0xFF | |
9 | Variable | 1 | Tag operation mode 0x01 = NRLS tag 0x02 = Autoscan tag 0x03 = Autoscan anchor 0x04 = Opportunistic anchor |
Anchor Configuration Packet format
Byte | Description | Value (hex) | Bytes | Details |
1 | Type | 0x03 | 1 | Packet type |
2 | Length | Variable | 1 | Length of the Data field |
3-6 | Data | Variable | 4 (BE) | Sensor measure interval for Anchor Tags |
7 | Variable | 1 | Flags Bit [0] = Leds_En/ Alert_En Bit [1] = Button_En | |
8-9 | Variable | 2 | ADV interval (msec) | |
10 | Variable | 1 | ADV TX power (dBm) | |
11 | Variable | 1 | BLE Beaconing 0x00 = disabled 0x01 = Quuppa Emulation Mode 0x02 = iBeacon 0x03 = Safety 0x04 = Eddystone-UID |
Quuppa emulation - if enabled
Byte | Description | Value (hex) | Bytes | Details |
12-17 | Data (continued) | Variable | 6 (BE) | Quuppa tag ID |
iBeacon - if enabled
Byte | Description | Value (hex) | Bytes | Details |
12-32 | Data (continued) | Variable | 16 (BE) | iBeacon UUID |
Variable | 2 (BE) | iBeacon Major number | ||
Variable | 2 (BE) | iBeacon Minor number |
Safety - if enabled
Byte | Description | Value (hex) | Bytes | Details |
12-30 | Data (continued) | Variable | 10 (BE) | Safety (iBeacon) UUID |
Variable | 2 (BE) | Safety (iBeacon) Major number |
Eddystone UID - if enabled
Byte | Description | Value (hex) | Bytes | Details |
12-28 | Data (continued) | Variable | 10 (BE) | Eddystone-UID Namespace ID |
Variable | 6 (BE) | Eddystone-UID Instance ID |
Tag Configuration Packet format
Byte | Description | Value (hex) | Bytes | Details |
1 | Type | 0x04 | 1 | Packet type |
2 | Length | variable | 1 | Length of the Data field |
3-6 | Data | Variable | 4 (BE) | DEFAULT positioning interval P1 (sec) |
7-10 | Variable | 4 (BE) | DEFAULT timeout T1 (sec) | |
11-12 | Variable | 2(BE) | DEFAULT beaconing ADV interval ADV1 (msec) | |
13 | Variable | 1 | DEFAULT beaconing TX power TX1 (dBm) | |
14 | Variable | 1 | Node classDEFAULT state flag 0x00 = NRLS Mode 0x01 = Autoscan Mode | |
15-18 | Variable | 4 (BE) | MOTION positioning interval P2 (sec) | |
19-22 | Variable | 4 (BE) | MOTION timeout T2 (sec) | |
23-24 | Variable | 2 (BE) | MOTION beaconing ADV interval ADV2 (msec) | |
25 | Variable | 1 | MOTION beaconing TX power TX2 (dBm) | |
26 | Variable | 1 | MOTION state flag 0x00 = NRLS Mode 0x01 = Autoscan Mode | |
27-30 | Variable | 4 (BE) | ALARM positioning interval P3 (sec) | |
31-34 | Variable | 4 (BE) | ALARM timeout T3 (sec) | |
35-36 | Variable | 2 (BE) | ALARM beaconing ADV interval ADV3 (msec) | |
37 | Variable | 1 | ALARM beaconing TX power TX3 (dBm) | |
38 | Variable | 1 | ALARM state flag 0x00 = NRLS Mode 0x01 = Autoscan Mode | |
39-42 | Variable | 4 (BE) | SLEEP positioning interval P4 (sec) | |
43-46 | Variable | 4 (BE) | SLEEP timeout T4 (sec) | |
47-48 | Variable | 2 (BE) | SLEEP beaconing ADV interval ADV4 (msec) | |
49 | Variable | 1 | SLEEP beaconing TX power TX4 (dBm) | |
50 | Variable | 1 | SLEEP state flag 0x00 = NRLS Mode 0x01 = Autoscan Mode | |
51 | Variable | 1 | Flags Bit [0] = Leds_En/ Alert_En Bit [1] = Button_En | |
52 | Variable | 1 | BLE Beaconing 0x00 = disabled 0x01 = Quuppa Emulation Mode 0x02 = iBeacon 0x03 = Safety 0x04 = Eddystone-UID | |
53- | Variable | Variable | Beaconing Configuration Parameters (below) | |
x | Variable | 1 | Accelerometer Mode 0 = Powerdown 1 = Motion Detection 2 = Position Detection 3 = Position + Motion (+Mandown) 4 = Free-fall Detection 5 = Free-fall + Motion (+Mandown) 8 = Shock Detection 9 = Shock + Motion (+Mandown) | |
(x+1)- | Variable | Variable | Accelerometer Configuration Parameters (below) |
Quuppa Emulation mode - if enabled
Byte | Description | Value (hex) | Bytes | Details |
53-58 | Data (continued) | Variable | 6 (BE) | Quuppa tag ID |
iBeacon - if enabled
Byte | Description | Value (hex) | Bytes | Details |
53-73 | Data (continued) | Variable | 16 (BE) | iBeacon UUID |
Variable | 2 (BE) | iBeacon Major number | ||
Variable | 2 (BE) | iBeacon Minor number |
Safety - if enabled
Byte | Description | Value (hex) | Bytes | Details |
53-71 | Data (continued) | Variable | 16 (BE) | Safety (iBeacon) UUID |
Variable | 2 (BE) | Safety (iBeacon) Major number |
Eddystone-UID - if enabled
Byte | Description | Value (hex) | Bytes | Details |
53-70 | Data (continued) | Variable | 10 (BE) | Eddystone-UID Namespace ID |
Variable | 6 (BE) | Eddystone-UID Instance ID |
Accelerometer - Motion Detection
In this mode the accelerometer will recognize whether the tag is still or moving.
The configuration parameters are:
- Movement detection threshold (units of 16mg) - Range [1, 127] - Defines the intensity of movement. Acceleration needs to be greater than the threshold to detect movement. In real world physics, this value can be expressed in mg units, knowing that 1 LSb = 16 mg (1 mg = g / 1000, g is the gravitational acceleration).
- Movement detection duration (seconds) - Range [0, 255] - Defines the minimum time period for which the acceleration must be greater than the threshold.
Byte | Description | Value (hex) | Bytes | Details |
x+1 | Data (continued) | Variable | Variable | Motion Threshold in 16mg units [1, 127] |
x+2 | Variable | Variable | Motion Duration in sec [0,255] |
Accelerometer - Position Detection
In this mode the accelerometer will recognize tag position changes: vertical position or horizontal position of the tag. The horizontal / vertical position is detected against the accelerometer Z axis, that is the axis orthogonal to the device board.
The configuration parameters are:
- Angle (degrees) - Range [1, 90] - Defines the angle that the board uses to detect the horizontal / vertical position.
- Position detection duration (seconds) - Range [1, 255] - Defines the minimum time period that the device should be stable in the position.
Byte | Description | Value (hex) | Bytes | Details |
x+1 | Data (continued) | Variable | Variable | Position Angle in degree [1, 90] |
x+2 | Variable | Variable | Position Duration in sec [1, 255] |
Accelerometer - Position + Motion Detection
Byte | Description | Value (hex) | Bytes | Details |
x+1 | Data (continued) | Variable | Variable | Position Angle in degree [1, 90] |
x+2 | Variable | Variable | Position Duration in sec [1, 255] | |
x+3 | Variable | Variable | Motion Threshold in 16mg units [1, 127] | |
x+4 | Variable | Variable | Motion Duration in sec [0,255] | |
x+5 | Variable (optional) | Variable | Debounce Duration in sec [0, 255] | |
x+6 | Variable (optional) | Variable | Stationary Duration in sec [0, 255] | |
x+7 | Variable (optional) | Variable | Alert Duration in sec [0, 255] |
Accelerometer - Freefall Detection
In this mode the accelerometer will recognize tag freefall events.
The configuration parameters are:
- Minimum fall height (centimeters)
- Range [50, 255]
- Defines the minimum fall height for which the freefall will be recognized at the lowest sensitivity. Any fall below this height won’t be detected.
- Sensitivity (units of 50mG)
- Range [1, 10]
- Defines the sensitivity to use for freefall detection. A low sensitivity will recognize only freefall events very close to the 0g acceleration – lowering the probability of false positives, but increasing the probability of missing detection. A high sensitivity will be more permissive with freefall detection – this will increase the probability of false positives but decrease the missing falls detection.
Byte | Description | Value (hex) | Bytes | Details |
x+1 | Data (continued) | Variable | Variable | Freefall Height in cm [50, 255] |
x+2 | Variable | Variable | Freefall Sensitivity [1, 10] |
Accelerometer - Freefall + Motion Detection
Byte | Description | Value (hex) | Bytes | Details |
x+1 | Data (continued) | Variable | Variable | Freefall Height in cm [50, 255] |
x+2 | Variable | Variable | Freefall Sensitivity [1, 10] | |
x+3 | Variable | Variable | Motion Threshold in 16mg units [1, 127] | |
x+4 | Variable | Variable | Motion Duration in sec [0,255] | |
x+5 | Variable (optional) | Variable | Debounce Duration in sec [0, 255] | |
x+6 | Variable (optional) | Variable | Stationary Duration in sec [0, 255] | |
x+7 | Variable (optional) | Variable | Alert Duration in sec [0, 255] |
Accelerometer - Shock Detection
In this mode the accelerometer will recognize an unexpected strong acceleration of the tag.
The configuration parameters are:
- Shock intensity (units of 50mg)
- Range [1, 10]
- Defines the intensity to be recognized as a shock. Min = 1: small shock detected; Max = 10: only big shocks are detected
- The shock intensity starts from 1500 mg, following the equation
Byte | Description | Value (hex) | Bytes | Details |
x+1 | Data (continued) | Variable | Variable | Shock Intensity [1, 10] |
Accelerometer - Shock + Motion Detection
Byte | Description | Value (hex) | Bytes | Details |
x+1 | Data (continued) | Variable | Variable | Shock Intensity [1, 10] |
x+2 | Variable | Variable | Motion Threshold in 16mg units [1, 127] | |
x+3 | Variable | Variable | Motion Duration in sec [0,255] | |
x+4 | Variable (optional) | Variable | Debounce Duration in sec [0, 255] | |
x+5 | Variable (optional) | Variable | Stationary Duration in sec [0, 255] | |
x+6 | Variable (optional) | Variable | Alert Duration in sec [0, 255] |
Important notes
Positioning rate P4 in SLEEP state is strongly suggested to be set to a relatively high value, such as 1 per day or less frequently
When positioning rate is set less then 60 seconds the tag automatically enters Autoscan mode. Please be aware of energy consumption since in Autoscan mode the tag maintains the connectivity to the network (see below for details on various tag/anchor modes).
Carefully take into consideration your use-case to program the parameters positioning interval (P1, P2, P3, P4), timeout (T1, T2, T3) and accelerometer threshold THR, in order to avoid excessive energy consumption (due, for instance, to too-short positioning interval or too-long timeout values or extremely-low accelerometer threshold that triggers unwanted movement detection). Not properly designed values could impact on battery operating life.
Consider that each time a state transition occurs, a network scan is performed: avoid configurations that could lead to excessive state transitions.
Sensor Info
Byte | Description | Value (hex) | Bytes | Details |
1 | Type | 0x05 | 1 | Packet type |
2 | Length | Variable | 1 | Length of the Data field The lenght depends on the number of sensors mounted on the device Bytes 3-12 are repeated for each sensor |
3 | Data | Variable | 1 | Sensor type: 0 = Temperature 1 = Humidity 2 = Temperature and Humidity 3 = Temperature, Humidity and CO2 4 = Pressure 5 = Light 6 = VOC |
4 | Variable | 1 | Sensor ID | |
5-8 | Variable | 4 | Calibration timestamp | |
9-10 | Variable | 2 | Calbration count | |
11-12 | Variable | 2 | Calibration correction |
Hardware Info
Packet introduced from FW v.4.x
Byte | Description | Value (hex) | Bytes | Details |
1 | Type | 0x06 | 1 | Packet type |
2 | Length | 0x04 | 1 | Length of the Data field |
3-6 | Data | Variable | 2 (BE) | Hardware Info bitmask: [0, 3] number of LEDs [4, 7] number of GPIOs [8] if has RGB LED [9] if has button [10] if has accelerometer [11] if has buzzer [12] if has vibration [13] if has environmental sensors [14] if has rechargeable battery [15] if has presence sensors (PIR, Hall) [16] if has ON/OFF button [17, 23] RFU [24, 31] model number |
Command Response
Packet introduced from FW v.4.x since the commands can be send requesting an ACK, as described in Commands section.
Byte | Description | Value (hex) | Bytes | Details |
1 | Type | 0x07 | 1 | Packet type |
2 | Length | Variable | 1 | Length of the Data field |
3- | Data | Variable | 1 - 16 | Command ID |
Wirepas Measurement Packets (238/238)
The Wirepas Measurement packets are managed directly by Wirepas and are sent on source/destination endpoint 238/238.
For more information refer to Wirepas Positioning Application Reference Manual v1.5
Battery voltage
This is a Wirepas Standard TLV packet.
Byte | Description | Value (hex) | Bytes | Details |
1 | Type | 0x04 | 1 | Packet type |
2 | Length | 0x02 | 1 | Length of the Data field |
3-4 | Data | Variable | 2 (BE) | Battery Voltage [mV] |
Tag RSSI Measurement
This is a Wirepas Standard TLV packet.
Byte | Description | Value (hex) | Bytes | Details |
1 | Type | 0x05 | 1 | Packet type |
2 | Length | Variable | 1 | Length of the Data field The lenght of Data field is N*5 where N is the number of records Bytes 3-7 are repeated for each Tag RSSI measurement |
3-6 | Data | Variable | 4 | Node Address |
7 | Variable | 1 | RSSI value RSSI[dBm] = value * -0.5 |
Anchor RSSI Measurement
This is a Wirepas Standard TLV packet.
Byte | Description | Value (hex) | Bytes | Details |
1 | Type | 0xF5 | 1 | Packet type |
2 | Length | Variable | 1 | Length of the Data field The lenght of Data field is N*5 where N is the number of records Bytes 3-7 are repeated for each Tag RSSI measurement |
3-6 | Data | Variable | 4 | Node Address 1 |
7 | Variable | 1 | RSSI value 1 RSSI[dBm] = value * -0.5 |
GPIO State
This is a BlueUp custom TLV packet.
Byte | Description | Value (hex) | Bytes | Details |
1 | Type | 0x70 | 1 | Packet type |
2 | Length | 0x02 | 1 | Length of the Data field |
3 | Data | Variable | 1 | GPIO ID |
4 | Variable | 1 | GPIO Value: 0 = low 1 = high |
Sensors Measurement
BlueBeacon Wirepas FW v.3 supports Sensors packet frame type. The BlueBeacon Wirepas Ultra Deluxe is the most suitable device for Sensing purpose and, at the moment, is equipped with temperature, humidity, pressure and CO2 sensors.
Data message is sent on source/destination endpoint 238/238.
The following table contains the Sensor Packet format.
Byte | Description | Value (hex) | Bytes | Details |
0 | Type | 0x71 | 1 | Sensors packet type |
1 | Length | Variable | 1 | Length of the Data field |
2- | Data | Variable | Variable | Array of Sensor Data Structures |
Data is an array of array of Sensor Data Structures.
Each Sensor Data Structure has the following format:
Byte | Description | Value (hex) | Bytes | Details |
0 | Sensor Type | See Sensor Types Table | 1 | The sensor type (i.e. temperature, humidity, etc.) |
1 | Sensor ID | See Sensor IDs Table | 1 | A unique ID assigned to sensor from the firmware |
2- | Sensor Data | See Sensor Types/Data Table | Variable | Data measured from the sensor |
Since the hardware board can have multiple sensors that are measured simultaneously, Sensor Packet Data can be interpreted as an array of Sensor Data Structures, one for each measured sensor, i.e.:
Sensor Types Table
Value | Sensor Type |
0 | sensor_type_temperature |
1 | sensor_type_humidity |
2 | sensor_type_temperature_humidity |
3 | sensor_type_temperature_humidity_co2 |
4 | sensor_type_pressure |
5 | sensor_type_light |
6 | sensor_type_voc |
100 | sensor_type_pir |
101 | sensor_type_hall |
Sensor IDs Table
Value | Sensor ID | Sensor Type | Description |
1 | ens210 | Temperature | ScioSense ENS210 |
5 | bmp38x | Pressure | Bosch Sensortech BMP384/388 |
8 | scd41 | CO2 | Sensirion SCD41 |
100 | Pir sensor | PIR | Generic PIR Sensor |
101 | Hall sensor | Hall | Generic Hall Sensor |
Sensor Types / Data Table
Sensor Type | Data Format | Sensor Data | Description |
_temperature | int32 (BE) | temperature_m_deg_c | Milli-degree Celsius |
_humidity | int32 (BE) | humidity_m_percent | Milli-percent |
_temperature_humidity | int32 (BE) | temperature_m_deg_c | Milli-degree Celsius |
int32 (BE) | humidity_m_percent | Milli-percent | |
_temperature_humidity_co2 | int32 (BE) | temperature_m_deg_c | Milli-degree Celsius |
int32 (BE) | humidity_m_percent | Milli-percent | |
int32 (BE) | co2_ppm | Parts-Per-Million | |
_pressure | int32 (BE) | pressure_pa | Pascal |
_light | int32 (BE) | light | Not present yet |
_voc | int32 (BE) | eco2_ppm | Equivalent PPM |
int32 (BE) | tvoc_ppb | Total volatile organic compound – PPB | |
_pir | uint8 | pir | [0,1] value to indicate whether PIR sensor has detected |
_hall | uint8 | hall | [0,1] value to indicate whether Hall sensor has detected |
Radio Installation Quality
This is a BlueUp custom TLV packet.
This packet refers only to Anchors (Router nodes).
Byte | Description | Value (hex) | Bytes | Details |
1 | Type | 0x72 | 1 | Packet type |
2 | Length | 0x02 | 1 | Length of the Data field |
3 | Data | Variable | 1 | Radio Installation Quality |
4 | Variable | 1 | Error code |
Device State
This is a BlueUp custom TLV packet, introduced from FW v.4.x
Byte | Description | Value (hex) | Bytes | Details |
1 | Type | 0x80 | 1 | Packet type |
2 | Length | 0x06 | 1 | Length of the Data field |
3 | Data | Variable | 1 | Device State (Default, Moving, ..) |
4 | Variable | 1 | State Event (Button press, ..) | |
5 | Variable | 1 | Node Role: - Headnode low energy - Headnode low latency - Subnode low energy |
6 | Variable | 1 | Node Mode: - NRLS Tag - Autoscan Tag - Opportunistic Anchor |
7 | Variable | 1 | Node Class (F9, FA, FB, ..) | |
8 | Variable | 1 | Last received AppConfig sequence number |
Configuration over Wirepas network
It is possible to modify configuration parameters of the tags and trigger specific actions (like switching ON and OFF of LED, vibration, buzzer, …) by using the “Application Data Configuration” for the Wirepas network.
Commands have the following syntax: [Class] [Type] [Length] [Value] where each field is described in the following.
[Class] enables to differentiate among tag groups, if necessary.
By default, the “Class” is assigned to BlueUp tags and anchors according to the following table:
Tag function | Class |
Anchor tags (router mode) | 0xF9 |
Moving tags (non-router mode) | 0xFA |
Sent commands are addressed to one or more Class(es). It is required to know the tag Class for sending commands.
Custom Class can be applied to tags/anchors in production, based on customer specifications. Custom Class must be specified when ordering.
[Type] identifies the chosen functionality or parameter to modify. [Length] defines data size (in bytes). [Value] to be updated or activation/deactivation data.
Anchor Configuration command
Byte | Description | Value (hex) | Bytes | Details |
1 | Class | Variable | 1 | 0xF9 (Anchor Tag) |
2 | Type | 0xA2 | 1 | Packet type |
3 | Length | Variable | 1 | Length of the Data field Min 4 = Beaconing DisabledMax 25 = Beaconing Enabled |
4-5 | Data | Variable | 2 (BE) | Sensing interval (sec) |
6 | Variable | 1 | Flags: Bit [0] = Leds/Alerts Enable Bit [1] = Button Enable Bit [2] = Off by Position (from v3.12) Bit [3-5] = Max TxPower (from v3.14) | |
7 | Variable | 1 | Enable BLE Beaconing 0x00 = Disabled 0x02 = iBeacon 0x04 = Eddystone-UID |
Max TxPower
Value | Bitmask | Description |
0 | 000 | AUTO (+4 dBm) |
1 | 001 | -20 dBm |
2 | 010 | -20 dBm |
3 | 011 | -16 dBm |
4 | 100 | -12 dBm |
5 | 101 | -8 dBm |
6 | 110 | -4 dBm |
7 | 111 | 0 dBm |
Beaconing - if enabled
Byte | Description | Value (hex) | Bytes | Details |
8-9 | Data (continued) | Variable | 2 (BE) | Beaconing ADV interval ADV (msec) |
10 | Variable | 1 | Beaconing TX power TX (dBm) |
iBeacon - if enabled
Byte | Description | Value (hex) | Bytes | Details |
11-26 | Data (continued) | Variable | 16 (BE) | iBeacon UUID |
27 | Variable | 1 | iBeacon Major format 0x00 = 0 0x01 = Tag model number 0x02 = Tag serial number 0x03 = MSB (NodeAddress) | |
28 | Variable | 1 | iBeacon Minor format 0x00 = 0 0x01 = Tag model number 0x02 = Tag serial number 0x03 = LSB (NodeAddress) |
Eddystone-UID - if enabled
Byte | Description | Value (hex) | Bytes | Details |
11-20 | Data (continued) | Variable | 10 (BE) | Eddystone-UID Namespace ID |
21 | Variable | 1 | Eddystone-UID Instance ID format 0x00 = 0 0x01 = Tag model/serial number 0x02 = NodeAddress |
Tag Configuration command
Byte | Description | Value (hex) | Bytes | Details |
1 | Class | Variable | 1 | 0xFA (Mobile Tag) |
2 | Type | 0xB2 | 1 | Packet Type |
3 | Length | Variable | 1 | Length of the Data field Min 18 = Beaconing DisabledMax 37 = Beaconing Enabled |
4-5 | Data | Variable | 2 (BE) | DEFAULT positioning interval P1 [10-64000](sec) |
6-7 | Variable | 2 (BE) | MOTION positioning interval P2 [10-64000](sec) 0 if Motion Threshold 0 | |
8-9 | Variable | 2 (BE) | ALARM positioning interval P3 [10-64000](sec)0 if Alerts disabled | |
10-11 | Variable | 2 (BE) | SLEEP positioning interval P4 [10-64000](sec) | |
12-13 | Variable | 2 (BE) | DEFAULT timeout T1 [60-64000](sec) | |
14-15 | Variable | 2 (BE) | MOTION timeout T2 [60-64000](sec) 0 if Motion Threshold 0 | |
16-17 | Variable | 2 (BE) | ALARM timeout T3 [60-64000](sec) 0 if Alerts disabled | |
18-19 | Variable | 2 (BE) | Flags: Bit [0] = Leds/Alerts Enable Bit [1] = Button Enable Bit [2-5] = Autoscan Enable (1-bit per state) | |
21- | Variable | Variable | Accelerometer_CFG = Configuration Parameters depending on Accelerometer Mode | |
x | Variable | 1 | Enable BLE Beaconing 0x00 = Disabled 0x01 = Quuppa Emulation Mode 0x02 = iBeacon 0x03 = Safety |
Accelerometer Modes Parameters
The default values of the parameters are listed below. In case of MANDOWN Detection Mode, the additional parameters are:
- Debounce Duration [0, 255] sec = defines the maximum time interval in which the body of the fallen person or of the object bounces when hit on the ground.
- Stationary Duration [0, 255] sec = defines the minimum time interval in which the body or the object should remain stationary on the ground to detect the ManDown event.
- Alert Duration [0, 255] sec = defines the Alarm duration time interval, after the ManDown event has been detected, during which the tag emits an alarm sound and after which the tag starts sending data about the ManDown event detection. If the Alert Duration is equal to 0 the tag starts sending ManDown detection data immediately. If the Alert Duration is set to a non-zero value, the tag will wait for Alert Duration time to send data and at the same time will emit an alarm sound. If the alarm is disabled by button during this time, it means that it was a false detection and the tag will not send ManDown detection data.
Motion Detection
Byte | Description | Value (hex) | Bytes | Details |
20 | Data (continued) | Variable | 1 | 0x01 = MOTION_DETECTION |
21 | Variable | 1 | Motion Threshold in 16mg units [1, 127] | |
22 | Variable | 1 | Motion Duration in sec [0,255] |
Position Detection
Byte | Description | Value (hex) | Bytes | Details |
20 | Data (continued) | Variable | 1 | 0x03 = POSITION + MOTION_DETECTION |
21 | Variable | 1 | Position Angle in degree [1, 90] | |
22 | Variable | 1 | Position Duration in sec [1, 255] | |
23 | Variable | 1 | Motion Threshold in 16mg units [1, 127] | |
24 | Variable | 1 | Motion Duration in sec [0,255] |
Position + ManDown Detection
Byte | Description | Value (hex) | Bytes | Details |
20 | Data (continued) | Variable | 1 | 0x83 = POSITION + MOTION_DETECTION |
21 | Variable | 1 | Position Angle in degree [1, 90] | |
22 | Variable | 1 | Position Duration in sec [1, 255] | |
23 | Variable | 1 | Motion Threshold in 16mg units [1, 127] | |
24 | Variable | 1 | Motion Duration in sec [0,255] | |
25 | Variable | 1 | Debounce Duration in sec [0, 255] | |
26 | Variable | 1 | Stationary Duration in sec [0, 255] | |
27 | Variable | 1 | Alert Duration in sec [0, 255] |
Freefall Detection
Byte | Description | Value (hex) | Bytes | Details |
20 | Data (continued) | Variable | 1 | 0x05 = FREEFALL_DETECTION |
21 | Variable | 1 | Freefall Height in cm [50, 255] | |
22 | Variable | 1 | Freefall Sensitivity [1, 10] | |
23 | Variable | 1 | Motion Threshold in 16mg units [1, 127] | |
24 | Variable | 1 | Motion Duration in sec [0,255] |
Freefall + ManDown Detection
Byte | Description | Value (hex) | Bytes | Details |
20 | Data (continued) | Variable | 1 | 0x85 = FREEFALL + MOTION_DETECTION |
21 | Variable | 1 | Freefall Height in cm [50, 255] | |
22 | Variable | 1 | Freefall Sensitivity [1, 10] | |
23 | Variable | 1 | Motion Threshold in 16mg units [1, 127] | |
24 | Variable | 1 | Motion Duration in sec [0,255] | |
25 | Variable | 1 | Debounce Duration in sec [0, 255] | |
26 | Variable | 1 | Stationary Duration in sec [0, 255] | |
27 | Variable | 1 | Alert Duration in sec [0, 255] |
Shock Detection
Byte | Description | Value (hex) | Bytes | Details |
20 | Data (continued) | Variable | 1 | 0x09 = SHOCK_DETECTION |
21 | Variable | 1 | Shock Intensity [1, 10] | |
22 | Variable | 1 | Motion Threshold in 16mg units [1, 127] | |
23 | Variable | 1 | Motion Duration in sec [0,255] |
Shock + ManDown Detection
Byte | Description | Value (hex) | Bytes | Details |
20 | Data (continued) | Variable | 1 | 0x89 = SHOCK + MOTION_DETECTION |
21 | Variable | 1 | Shock Intensity [1, 10] | |
22 | Variable | 1 | Motion Threshold in 16mg units [1, 127] | |
23 | Variable | 1 | Motion Duration in sec [0,255] | |
24 | Variable | 1 | Debounce Duration in sec [0, 255] | |
25 | Variable | 1 | Stationary Duration in sec [0, 255] | |
26 | Variable | 1 | Alert Duration in sec [0, 255] |
Accelerometer Modes default parameters values
Mode | Parameter | Value |
Motion Detection (always on) | Motion Threshold | 10* (160 mG) |
Motion Duration | 3 (3 sec) | |
Position Detection | Position Angle | 45 (45 degrees) |
Position Duration | 3 (3 sec) | |
Free-fall Detection | Free-fall Height | 80 (80 cm) |
Free-fall Sensitivity | 5 (250 mG) | |
Shock Detection | Shock Intensity | 7 (1850 mG) |
Man-Down Detection (additional detection mode) | Debounce Duration | 3 (3 sec) |
Stationary Duration | 10 (10 sec) | |
Alert Duration | 60 (60 sec) |
Motion Threshold equal to 10 is a sufficient value for both asset and people tracking to not to have false movement detection even if the tag is worn pendent around the neck and there are small oscillations of the tag.
Beaconing - if enabled
Common parameters in case beaconing is enabled
Byte | Description | Value (hex) | Bytes | Details |
x+1 | Data (continued) | Variable | 2 (BE) | DEFAULT beaconing ADV interval ADV1 (msec) |
x+2 | Variable | 2 (BE) | MOTION beaconing ADV interval ADV2 (msec) | |
x+3 | Variable | 2 (BE) | ALARM beaconing ADV interval ADV3 (msec) | |
x+4 | Variable | 2 (BE) | SLEEP beaconing ADV interval ADV4 (msec) | |
x+5 | Variable | 1 | ALL STATES beaconing TX power TX (dBm) |
Quuppa - if enabled
Byte | Description | Value (hex) | Bytes | Details |
x+6 | Data (continued) | Variable | 1 | Quuppa Tag ID format 0x00 = MAC address 0x01 = Tag model number + serial number 0x02 = NodeAddress |
iBeacon - if enabled
Byte | Description | Value (hex) | Bytes | Details |
x+6 | Data (continued) | Variable | 1 | iBeacon UUID 0x00=default BlueUp |
x+7 | Variable | 1 | Beacon Major format 0x00 = 0 0x01 = Tag model number 0x02 = Tag serial number 0x03 = MSB(NodeAddress) | |
x+8 | Variable | 1 | iBeacon Minor format 0x00 = 0 0x01 = Tag model number 0x02 = Tag serial number 0x03 = LSB(NodeAddress) |
Safety - if enabled
Byte | Description | Value (hex) | Bytes | Details |
x+6 | Data (continued) | Variable | 1 | Safety (iBeacon) UUID 0x00=default BlueUp for Safety |
x+7 | Variable | 1 | Safety (iBeacon) Major format 0x00 = 0 0x01 = Tag model number 0x02 = Tag serial number 0x03 = LSB(NodeAddress) |
A sent command is persistent in the network. Each tag in the network receives this command (if the tag Class coincides with the Class in the command), and each new tag entering the network (with Class coinciding with that of the command) also receives the command.
Each configuration command SHOULD include command for Mobile Tags (Type = 0xB2; default Class = 0xFA) and command for Anchor Tags (Type = 0xA2; default Class = 0xF9). Since the command is persistent on the network, any new tag (either Mobile or Anchor Tag) entering the network, will receive the configuration command. If only one type of tags (Mobile or Anchor Tags) needs to be updated, the configuration command SHOULD be sent also for the other type of tags (Anchor or Mobile Tags), by simply using the previous command settings.
A tag operating or configured for NRLS mode will receive the command and apply it only upon wake-up (during connection to the mesh network after scan for nearby anchors). Consequently, maximum time delay to receive command is equal to the configured positioning period.
Commands over Wirepas Network
The following paragraphs describe the BlueUp packet specifications for sending commands over Wirepas Network to a Wirepas Node.
Starting from FW v.4.x, when sending the commands to a node, it is possible to request an Acknowledgment of the reception of the command by the node.
If the ACK is requested, after the reception of the command the node sends back the Command Response.
Data message is sent on source/destination endpoint 73/73.
The generic command sructure is the following:
“dst_addr” : 4000000,
“src_ep” : 73,
“dst_ep” : 73,
“buffering_delay” : 1,
“qos” : false,
“is_unlock_csma_ca” : false,
”is_unack_csma_ca”: false,
“hop_limit” : 15,
“data” : [ <ACK_request>, <Command_data>]
The ACK request is optional and is composed as follows:
Type: 255
Length: Variable - depends on the length of the Command ID. Min = 1, Max = 16 bytes
Value: Command ID, Min = 1, Max = 16 bytes
Command ID should be unique for each command sent to the node.
Reboot (0xB0)
This command is used to Reboot a Node.
Index | Value | Description |
0 | 0xB0 | Command Type 176 |
1 | 0 | Length |
API example to Gateway/api/sink/data1/sendMessage
“dst_addr” : 4000000,
“src_ep” : 73,
“dst_ep” : 73,
“buffering_delay” : 1,
“qos” : false,
“is_unlock_csma_ca” : false,
”is_unack_csma_ca”: false,
“hop_limit” : 15,
“data” : [176, 0]
Note: the ACK can not be requested for the Reboot command
Factory Reset (0xB1)
Index | Value | Description |
0 | 0xB1 | Command Type 177 |
1 | 0 | Length |
Button Configuration (0xB2)
This command is used to enable or disable the button on a device.
Index | Value | Description |
0 | 0xB2 | Command Type 178 |
1 | 0 | Length |
2 | Variable | Command argument 0 = disable1 = enable |
API example (without ACK) to Gateway/api/sink/data1/sendMessage
Type: 178
Length: 1
Value: 1 (Button enable)
“dst_addr” : 4000000,
“src_ep” : 73,
“dst_ep” : 73,
“buffering_delay” : 1,
“qos” : false,
“is_unlock_csma_ca” : false,
”is_unack_csma_ca”: false,
“hop_limit” : 15,
“data” : [178, 1, 1]
Alert Configuration (0xB3)
Node Alarm configuration (led / buzzer / vibration).
Index | Value | Description |
0 | 0xB3 | Command Type 179 |
1 | 10 | Length |
2 | Variable | Buzzer Period (unit 100ms) |
3 | Variable | Buzzer Repeats |
4 | Variable | Buzzer DutyCycle (%) |
5 | Variable | Vibration Period (unit 100ms) |
6 | Variable | Vibration Repeats |
7 | Variable | Vibration DutyCycle (%) |
8 | Variable | Leds Period (unit 100ms) |
9 | Variable | Leds Repeats |
10 | Variable | Led DutyCycle (%) |
11 | Variable | Leds Color/Enable Mask |
Leds Color / Enable Mask
BIT 7 | BIT 6 | BIT 5 | BIT 4 | BIT 3 | BIT 2 | BIT 1 | BIT 0 |
Seq. | R | G | B | LED 3 | LED 2 | LED 1 | LED 0 |
API example (without ACK) to Gateway/api/sink/data1/sendMessage
Type: 179
Length: 10
Value: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 10, 5, 50, 66
- Leds Period: 10 (100ms)
- Leds Repeats: 5
- Leds DutyCycle: 50 (%)
- Leds Color/Enable Mask: 66 = 0x42 =0b 0100 0010
- Color: RED
- Enable/Mask: LED1
“dst_addr” : 4000000,
“src_ep” : 73,
“dst_ep” : 73,
“buffering_delay” : 1,
“qos” : false,
“is_unlock_csma_ca” : false,
”is_unack_csma_ca”: false,
“hop_limit” : 15,
“data” : [179, 10, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 10, 5, 50, 66]
API example (with ACK) to Gateway/api/sink/data1/sendMessage
Type: 255
Length: 4
Value (Command ID): 1, 2, 3, 4
Alert Configuration:
Type: 179
Length: 10
Value: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 10, 5, 50, 66
- Leds Period: 10 (100ms)
- Leds Repeats: 5
- Leds DutyCycle: 50 (%)
- Leds Color/Enable Mask: 66 = 0x42 =0b 0100 0010
- Color: RED
- Enable/Mask: LED1
“dst_addr” : 4000000,
“src_ep” : 73,
“dst_ep” : 73,
“buffering_delay” : 1,
“qos” : false,
“is_unlock_csma_ca” : false,
”is_unack_csma_ca”: false,
“hop_limit” : 15,
“data” : [255, 4, 1, 2, 3, 4, 179, 10, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 10, 5, 50, 66]
Accelerometer Configuration (0xB4)
Index | Value | Description |
0 | 0xB4 | Command Type 180 |
1 | Variable | Length of Data field |
3- | Variable | Accelerometer_CFG = Configuration Parameters depending on Accelerometer Mode |
To the underlined Accelerometer Modes (Position + Motion_Detection, Freefall + MotionDetection, Shock + Motion_Detection) it is possible to optionally add the MANDOWN Detection Mode. The additional parameters are:
- Debounce Duration [0, 255] sec = defines the maximum time interval in which the body of the fallen person or of the object bounces when hit on the ground.
- Stationary Duration [0, 255] sec = defines the minimum time interval in which the body or the object should remain stationary on the ground to detect the ManDown event.
- Alert Duration [0, 255] sec = defines the Alarm duration time interval, after the ManDown event has been detected, during which the tag emits an alarm sound and after which the tag starts sending data about the ManDown event detection. If the Alert Duration is equal to 0 the tag starts sending ManDown detection data immediately. If the Alert Duration is set to a non-zero value, the tag will wait for Alert Duration time to send data and at the same time will emit an alarm sound. If the alarm is disabled by button during this time, it means that it was a false detection and the tag will not send ManDown detection data.
Power Down
Index | Value | Description |
2 | Variable | 0x00 POWERDOWN |
3 | 0x00 | Null |
Motion Detection
Index | Value | Description |
2 | Variable | 0x01 = MOTION_DETECTION |
3 | Variable | Motion Threshold in 16mg units [1, 127] |
4 | Variable | Motion Duration in sec [0,255] |
Position Detection
Index | Value | Description |
2 | Variable | 0x02 = POSITION_DETECTION |
3 | Variable | Position Angle in degree [1, 90] |
4 | Variable | Position Duration in sec [1, 255] |
Position + Motion Detection
Index | Value | Description |
2 | Variable | 0x03 = POSITION + MOTION_DETECTION |
3 | Variable | Position Angle in degree [1, 90] |
4 | Variable | Position Duration in sec [1, 255] |
5 | Variable | Motion Threshold in 16mg units [1, 127] |
6 | Variable | Motion Duration in sec [0,255] |
7 | Variable (optional) | Debounce Duration in sec [0, 255] |
8 | Variable (optional) | Stationary Duration in sec [0, 255] |
9 | Variable (optional) | Alert Duration in sec [0, 255] |
Freefall Detection
Index | Value | Description |
2 | Variable | 0x04 = FREEFALL_DETECTION |
3 | Variable | Freefall Height in cm [50, 255] |
4 | Variable | Freefall Sensitivity [1, 10] |
Freefall + Motion Detection
Index | Value | Description |
2 | Variable | 0x05 = FREEFALL + MOTION_DETECTION |
3 | Variable | Freefall Height in cm [50, 255] |
4 | Variable | Freefall Sensitivity [1, 10] |
5 | Variable | Motion Threshold in 16mg units [1, 127] |
6 | Variable | Motion Duration in sec [0,255] |
7 | Variable (optional) | Debounce Duration in sec [0, 255] |
8 | Variable (optional) | Stationary Duration in sec [0, 255] |
9 | Variable (optional) | Alert Duration in sec [0, 255] |
Shock Detection
Index | Value | Description |
2 | Variable | 0x08 = SHOCK_DETECTION |
3 | Variable | Shock Intensity [1, 10] |
Shock + Motion Detection
Index | Value | Description |
2 | Variable | 0x08 = SHOCK_DETECTION |
3 | Variable | Shock Intensity [1, 10] |
4 | Variable | Motion Threshold in 16mg units [1, 127] |
5 | Variable | Motion Duration in sec [0,255] |
6 | Variable (optional) | Debounce Duration in sec [0, 255] |
7 | Variable (optional) | Stationary Duration in sec [0, 255] |
8 | Variable (optional) | Alert Duration in sec [0, 255] |
GPIO Pin Configuration
Index | Value | Description |
0 | 0xB5 | Command Type 181 |
1 | 1 | Length |
2 | Variable, range [0, 3] | GPIO ID |
3 | Variable | GPIO Mode |
4 | Variable (optional) | GPIO Send Interval (min): if specified, it defines the time Interval with which the Logic Level of the GPIO is sent |
BIT 7 | BIT 6 | BIT 5 | BIT 4 | BIT 3 - BIT 2 | BIT 1 | BIT 0 |
Bit | Name | Description |
0 | OUTPUT | 0 = Input 1 = Output |
1 | HIDRIVE | HIDRIVE Mode Only if Output = 1 |
2-3 | PULLCFG | 0 = NoPull 1 = PullDown 3 = PullUpOnly if Output = 0 |
4 | VALUE | 0 = Low Logic Level 1 = High Logic LevelOnly if Output = 1 |
5-6 | RFU | - |
7 | RESET | If set to 1, the default configuration of the Pin is reset (HIGH-IMPEDANCE), while other configuration bit are not considered. |
API example (without ACK) to Gateway/api/sink/data1/sendMessage
Type: 181
Length: 2
Value: 0, 17
- GPIO ID: 0
- GPIO Mode: 17 = 0x11 = 0b 0001 0001
- Output: 1
- Value: 1 (High)
Other API example (without ACK) to Gateway/api/sink/data1/sendMessage
Type: 181
Length: 2
Value: 0, 128
- GPIO ID: 0
- GPIO Mode: 128 = 0x80 = 0b 1000 0000
- Reset: 1
“dst_addr” : 4000000,
“src_ep” : 73,
“dst_ep” : 73,
“buffering_delay” : 1,
“qos” : false,
“is_unlock_csma_ca” : false,
”is_unack_csma_ca”: false,
“hop_limit” : 15,
“data” : [181, 2, 0, 128]
Other API example (without ACK) to Gateway/api/sink/data1/sendMessage
Type: 181
Length: 2
Value: 0, 12, 5
- GPIO ID: 0
- GPIO Mode: 12 = 0x0C = 0b 0000 1100
- Output: 0
- PullCFG: 3 (PullUp)
- GPIO Send Interval: 5 min
The H/L Logic Level is sent every time a logic level transition HL/LH occurs and also every 5 minutes.
“dst_addr” : 4000000,
“src_ep” : 73,
“dst_ep” : 73,
“buffering_delay” : 1,
“qos” : false,
“is_unlock_csma_ca” : false,
”is_unack_csma_ca”: false,
“hop_limit” : 15,
“data” : [181, 3, 0, 12, 5]
Sensors Configuration (0xB6)
Sensors Measure Interval configuration.
Index | Value | Description |
0 | 0xB6 | Command Type 182 |
1 | 0 or 4 | Length0 = Sensor Measure is disabled. |
2-5 | UINT32BE | Measure Interval (sec) Only if Length = 4 Min = 300, Max = 86400 |
Sensors Calibrate (0xB7)
If available, performs a CO2 sensor calibration.
If Length is set to 0 or Target CO2 is set to a value below the minimum (400 ppm), the calibration is performed with a Target CO2 value = 400 ppm.
Index | Value | Description |
0 | 0xB7 | Command Type 183 |
1 | 0 or 2 | Length |
2-3 | UINT32BE | Target CO2 (ppm) Only if Length = 2 Min = 400, Max = 65535 (theoretically)* |
The CO2 will be calibrated by a pre-calibrated CO2 measurement instrument, which will measure a variable CO2 within the ranges [400, 1600, .. max 2000] ppm.
Send Configuration (0xB8)
This command is used to request the current Node Configuration.
Index | Value | Description |
0 | 0xB8 | Command Type 184 |
1 | 0 | Length |
Send Positioning (0xB9)
This command is used to request the current Node Positioning Data.
Index | Value | Description |
0 | 0xB9 | Command Type 185 |
1 | 0 | Length |