Meshcube v6.0.1.5 Events


A gateway changed its status (online/offline)

Event raised when a Gateway changes its status.

Event Data specification

  "id": `string`,
  "online": `boolean`

Events fields description


Gateway unique identifier.


Boolean specifying whether the gateway is online or offline.


Anchor positioning settings have been updated

This event is raised when the positioning settings of a Mesh Anchor are changed. The event sums up the new parameter values.

Event Data specification

  "id": `string`,
  "node_id": `string`,
  "positioning_enabled": `boolean`,
  "calibrated_rssi": `number`,
  "n": `number`

Events fields description


Node unique identifier, composed by:

  • Node type prefix: S Sink, R Router node, N Non Router node.
  • Node address
  • Network address


Field specifying whether the positioning is enabled for the anchor. In case it is false the anchor does not take part in position evaluation of the non router nodes.


Value of the calibrated RSSI at 1 meter with respect to the anchor. Default value -50dBm.


Adjustment of the Calibrated RSSI at 1 meter. Rssi_offset is summed up to the Calibrated RSSI.


Index that refers to the environmental conditions used in the log distance Path Loss formula used to convert RSSI in distance and vice-versa.


An anchor has been removed from the system

Event raised when a router node, that was on a map as Anchor, has been removed from the map and is not considered anchor anymore.

Event Data specification

  "id": `string`

Events fields description


Anchor unique identifier, composed by:

  • Anchor prefix: Anchor_
  • The node type prefix: S Sink, R Router node
  • The node address
  • The network address


A Beacon anchor was created

Event raised when an anchor is configured to advertise beaconing packets, so that the anchor becomes also a beacon.

Event Data specification

  "from_cache": `boolean`,
  "wrapper_type": "MeshBeaconAnchor",
  "id": `string`,
  "node_id": `string`,
  "node_address": `number`,
  "node_network_id": `number`,
  "node_role": `string`,
  "beaconing": `string`,
  "advertising_interval": `number`,
  "advertising_tx_power": `number`,
  "last_update": `number`,
  "last_update_time": `number`,
  "battery": `number`,
  "status": `string`

Events fields description


The node was loaded from the system cache and no update was received by the system from last restart.

A node can be from_cache only after a system reboot.


Unique identifier of the device, composed by:

  • Device prefix: Beacon_Anchor
  • The node type prefix: S Sink, R Router node, N Non Router node.
  • The node address
  • The network address


The node unique identifier, composed by:

  • The node type prefix: S Sink, R Router node, N Non Router node.
  • The node address
  • The network address


The node address


The node network identifier


Defines the role of the tag:

  • Sink node
  • Router node
  • Non router node


Defines the beaconing type configured n the device. For the anchors, the possible beaconing types are:

  • iBeacon
  • Eddystone-UID


Field reporting the configured advertising interval.


Field reporting the configured advertising TX power.


Field reporting the battery voltage of the anchor.


Field specifying the status of the node, that can be:

  • online
  • offline


A Mesh Beacon was removed from the system

This event is raised when a Mesh Beacon is removed from the list of MeshBeacons detected by the system.

Event Data specification

  "type": `string`,
  "id": `string`

Events fields description


Field specifying the type of Mesh Beacon removed form the system. Possible values are:

  • Anchor
  • Tag


ID of the Mesh Beacon that has been remover from he list of Mesh Beacon detected by the system.


A Beacon Tag was created

Event raised when a Tag is configured to advertise beaconing packets, so that the tag becomes also a beacon.

  "from_cache": `boolean`,
  "wrapper_type": `string`,
  "id": `string`,
  "node_id": `string`,
  "node_address": `number`,
  "node_network_id": `number`,
  "node_role": `string`,
  "beaconing": `string`,
  "ibeacon_uuid": `string`,
  "ibeacon_major": `number`,
  "ibeacon_minor": `number`,
  "default_advertising_interval": `number`,
  "motion_advertising_interval": `number`,
  "alarm_advertising_interval": `number`,
  "sleep_advertising_interval": `number`,
  "advertising_tx_power": `number`,
  "last_update": `number`,
  "last_update_time": `number`,
  "battery": `number`,
  "status": `string`

Events fields description


The node was loaded from the system cache and no update was received by the system from last restart.

A node can be from_cache only after a system reboot.


The beacon tag unique identifier, composed by:

  • Beacon prefix: Beacon_Tag
  • The node type prefix: S Sink, R Router node, N Non Router node.
  • The node address
  • The network address


The beacon tag unique identifier, composed by:

  • The node type prefix: S Sink, R Router node, N Non Router node.
  • The node address
  • The network address


The node address


The node network identifier


Defines the role of the tag:

  • Sink node
  • Router node
  • Non router node


Reports the beaconing type configured on the tag. The possible beaconing types are:

  • iBeacon
  • Safety
  • Quuppa Emulation mode


Field reporting the configured advertising interval in default state.


Field reporting the configured advertising interval in motion state.


Field reporting the configured advertising interval in alarm state.


Field reporting the configured advertising interval in sleep state.


Field reporting the configured advertising TX power.


Field reporting the battery voltage of the anchor.


Field specifying the status of the node, that can be:

  • online
  • offline


Mesh configuration has changed


Node battery level has changed

This event is raised when the battery voltage (in millivolts) of a device changes.

Event Data specification

  "id": `string`,
  "previous_battery_voltage": `number`,
  "battery_voltage": `number`,
  "battery_status": `string`

Events fields description


Node unique identifier, composed by:

  • Node type prefix: S Sink, R Router node, N Non Router node.
  • Node address
  • Network address


Field specifying the previous battery voltage of the device, if known.


Field specifying the new/current battery voltage of the device.


Field specifying the current battery status of the device.
Battery status can be:

  • Full if the battery voltage ≥ 2900 mV
  • Half if the battery voltage ≥ 2800 mV
  • Low if the battery voltage ≥ 2700 mV
  • Very Low if the battery voltage < 2700 mV

When the battery status is “very Low” the system raises the event meshNodeBatteryVeryLow.


Node battery level is critical and must be changed as soon as possible

Event raised when the battery of a device goes under 2700 mV. This event is repeated once per hour to notify the Low Battery status of the device.

Event Data specification

 "id": `string`,
 "battery_voltage": `number`

Events fields description


Node unique identifier, composed by:

  • Node type prefix: S Sink, R Router node, N Non Router node.
  • Node address
  • Network address


Battery voltage current value.


A node was created

This event occurs when a node is created by the system.

Event Data specification

  "from_cache": `boolean`,
  "id": `string`,
  "address": `number`,
  "network_id": `number`,
  "alias": `string`,
  "device": `object`,
  "role": `string`,
  "low_latency": `boolean`,
  "autorole": `boolean`,
  "boot_count": `number`,
  "stack_version": `string`,
  "app_version": `string`,
  "scratchpad_stored_sequence": `number`,
  "scratchpad_processed_sequence": `number`,
  "is_otap_enabled": `boolean`,
  "has_configuration": `boolean`,
  "configuration_status": `string`,
  "last_update": `number`,
  "last_update_time": `number`,
  "last_update_elapsed": `object`,
  "status": `string`  

Events fields description


The node was loaded from the system cache and no update was received by the system from last restart.

A node can be from_cache only after a system reboot.


The node unique identifier, composed by:

  • The node type prefix: S Sink, R Router node, N Non Router node.
  • The node address
  • The network address


The node address


The node network identifier


Alias assigned to the node.

The system does not check whether this value is not unique across the same network.


Object containing the description of the node, composed by:

  • model: model number
  • name: model name
  • serial: serial number


Defines the role of the tag:

  • Sink node
  • Router node
  • Non router node


Field with boolean response specifying whether Over-The-Air firmware update of the device is enabled.


Field with boolean response specifying whether the tag has a configuration set.


Field specifying is the configuration set on the network matches the one that is present on the device.


Field specifying the status of the node, that can be:

  • online
  • offline


Node GPIO pin has changed


A node was removed from the system

This event is raised when a Mesh Node is removed from the system.

Event Data specification

  "from_cache": `boolean`,
  "id": `string`,
  "address": `number`,
  "network_id": `number`,
  "device": {
    "model": `number`,
    "name": `string`,
    "serial": `number`
  "version": `string`,
  "node_class": `string`,
  "operation_mode": `string`,
  "alarm": `string`,
  "state": `string`,
  "state_time": `number`,
  "role": `string`,
  "low_latency": `boolean`,
  "autorole": `boolean`,
  "max_buffer_usage": `number`,
  "avg_buffer_usage": `number`,
  "routers_in_neighborhood": `number`,
  "scans": `number`,
  "battery": `number`,
  "nodes": `object`,
  "routing": `object`,
  "boot_count": `number`,
  "stack_version": `string`,
  "app_version": `string`,
  "scratchpad_stored_sequence": `number`,
  "scratchpad_processed_sequence": `number`,
  "is_otap_enabled": `boolean`,
  "has_configuration": `boolean`,
  "configuration_status": `string`,
  "last_update": `number`,
  "last_update_time": `number`,
  "last_update_elapsed": `object`,
  "status": `string`

Events fields description


The node was loaded from the system cache and no update was received by the system from last restart.

A node can be from_cache only after a system reboot.


Node unique identifier, composed by:

  • Node type prefix: S Sink, R Router node, N Non Router node.
  • Node address
  • Network address


The node address


The node network identifier


Object containing the description of the node, composed by:

  • model: model number
  • name: model name
  • serial: serial number


Field specifying the class of the node:

  • F9: default Anchor class
  • FA: default Asset Tag class
  • FB: default Personal Tag class


Field defining the operational mode of the tag. The possible modes are:

  • For Tags:

    • NRLS mode: the tag is in sleep mode between consecutive updates of the tag
    • Autoscan mode: the tag is continuously connected to the network
  • For Anchors:

    • Opportunistic mode: the anchor is continuously connected to the network


Field specifying the type of alarm active on the device.


Field specifying the state of the tag. The possible states are:

  • sleep
  • default
  • motion
  • alarm

For full description of Mesh Tags states refer to the manual relative to Wirepas Firmware v.3.x on the support center.


Role of the node, that can be:

  • Sink
  • Router node
  • Non Router node


Object containing the number and the list of nodes that detect the device that generated the event. For each node is specified:

  • node_role: sink or router node
  • id: id of the node
  • network_id
  • address
  • rssi: measured rssi between the node and the device


Object containing information about the routing of the signal from the device to the sink.


Field with boolean response specifying whether Over-The-Air firmware update of the device is enabled.


Field with boolean response specifying whether the tag has a configuration set.


Field specifying is the configuration set on the network matches the one that is present on the device.


Field specifying the status of the node, that can be:

  • online
  • offline


Node changed its status

This event is raised when the status of a Mesh Node changes, specifying the previous and the current state of the Node.

Event Data specification

   "id": `string`,
   "previous_status": `string`,
   "current_status": `string`,

Events fields description


Node unique identifier, composed by:

  • Node type prefix: S Sink, R Router node, N Non Router node.
  • Node address
  • Network address


Field specifying the previous status of the node. The statuses are:

  • none
  • online
  • offline


Field specifying the current status of the node. The statuses are:

  • none
  • online
  • offline


A node performed a neighbor scan

This event is raised when there is an update of the router nodes that detect the Tag, with respect to the last update.

Event Data specification

  "from_cache": `boolean`,
  "id": `string`,
  "address": `number`,
  "network_id": `number`,
  "device": {
    "model": `number`,
    "name": `string`,
    "serial": `number`
  "version": `string`,
  "node_class": `string`,
  "operation_mode": `string`,
  "alarm": `string`,
  "state": `string`,
  "state_time": `number`,
  "role": `string`,
  "low_latency": `boolean`,
  "autorole": `boolean`,
  "max_buffer_usage": `number`,
  "routers_in_neighborhood": `number`,
  "scans": `number`,
  "battery": `number`,
  "nodes": {
    "timestamp": `number`,
    "travel_time": `number`,
    "count": `number`,
    "items": [
        "role": `string`,
        "id": `string`,
        "network_id": `number`,
        "address": `number`,
        "rssi": `number`
  "routing": `object`,
  "has_configuration": `boolean`,
  "configuration_status": `string`,
  "last_update": `number`,
  "last_update_time": `number`,
  "last_update_elapsed": {},
  "status": `string`

Events fields description


The node was loaded from the system cache and no update was received by the system from last restart.

A node can be from_cache only after a system reboot.


Node unique identifier, composed by:

  • Node type prefix: S Sink, R Router node, N Non Router node.
  • Node address
  • Network address


The node address


The node network identifier


Object containing the description of the node, composed by:

  • model: model number
  • name: model name
  • serial: serial number


Field specifying the class of the node:

  • F9: default Anchor class
  • FA: default Asset Tag class
  • FB: default Personal Tag class


Field defining the operational mode of the tag. The possible modes are:

  • For Tags:

    • NRLS mode: the tag is in sleep mode between consecutive updates of the tag
    • Autoscan mode: the tag is continuously connected to the network
  • For Anchors:

    • Opportunistic mode: the anchor is continuously connected to the network


Field specifying the type of alarm active on the device.


Field specifying the state of the tag. The possible states are:

  • sleep
  • default
  • motion
  • alarm


Defines the role of the tag:

  • Sink node
  • Router node
  • Non router node


Object containing the number and the list of nodes that detect the device that generated the event. For each node is specified:

  • node_role: sink or router node
  • id: id of the node
  • network_id
  • address
  • rssi: measured rssi between the node and the device


Object containing information about the routing of the signal from the device to the sink.


Field with boolean response specifying whether the tag has a configuration set.


Field specifying is the configuration set on the network matches the one that is present on the device.


Field specifying the status of the node, that can be:

  • online
  • offline


Sensor measurements have been updated

This event is raised when a Mesh Sensor updates its telemetry values. It contains data of the possible supported sensors, that can be Temperature, Humidity, Pressure and CO2 with relative values.

Event Data specification

  "id": `string`,
  "address": `number`,
  "network_id": `number`,
  "alias": `string`,
  "temperature": {
    "unit": `string`,
    "value": `number`
  "humidity": `number`,
  "pressure": `number`,
  "co2": {
    "ppm": `number`,
    "classification": `string`
  "battery": `number`

Events fields description


Sensor unique identifier, composed by:

  • Sensor prefix: Sensor_
  • The node type prefix: S Sink, R Router node, N Non Router node.
  • The node address
  • The network address


The node address


The node network identifier


Alias assigned to the node.

The system does not check whether this value is not unique across the same network.


Object reporting temperature measurement, if available. In the object are specified the measurement unit and the value.


Object reporting humidity measurement, if available.


Object reporting pressure measurement, if available.


Object reporting pressure measurement, if available. In the object are specified the measurement value in parts-per-million ppm, and the air quality classification:

  • Excellent if CO2 < 700 ppm
  • Good if CO2 > 700ppm
  • Medium if CO2 > 1000ppm
  • Bad if CO2 > 1600ppm


A sensor was removed from the system

Event raised when a Sensor is removed from the list of MeshSensors detected by the system.

Event Data specification

  "id": `string`

Events fields description


Sensor unique identifier.


A sensor updated its measurements

This event is raised when a Mesh Sensor updates its telemetry values.

Event Data specification

  "id": `string`,
  "address": `number`,
  "network_id": `number`,
  "alias": `string`,
  "data": [
      "type": `string`,
      "unit": `string`,
      "type": "co2",
      "unit": "classification",
      "value": `string`
  "battery": `number`

Events fields description


Sensor unique identifier, composed by:

  • Sensor prefix
  • The node type prefix: S Sink, R Router node, N Non Router node
  • The node address
  • The network address


The node address


The node network identifier


Alias assigned to the node.

The system does not check whether this value is not unique across the same network.


For each possible sensor mounted on the device (Temperature, humidity, pressure, CO2,..) telemetry is expressed as:

  • type: type of the sensor measurement, e.g., humidity
  • unit: measurement unit
  • value: measured value


In case of the CO2 sensor, also a classification of the air quality is provided, based on the CO2 value. Possible air quality levels are:

  • Excellent if CO2 < 700 ppm
  • Good if CO2 > 700ppm
  • Medium if CO2 > 1000ppm
  • Bad if CO2 > 1600ppm


Tag Alarm switched to off

This event is raised when a Tag switches from Alarm state to Default state, after the alarm trigger is over.

  "id": `string`,
  "travel_time": `number`

Events fields description


Unique identifier of the node, composed by:

  • Node type prefix: S Sink, R Router node, N Non Router node.
  • Node address
  • Network address


Time it took to the packet to travel from the tag to the sink.


Tag alarm was triggered

This event is raised when an alarm is triggered on a Mesh Tag.

Event Data specification

  "id": `string`,
  "travel_time": `number`,
  "alarm": `string`

Events fields description


Node unique identifier, composed by:

  • Node type prefix: S Sink, R Router node, N Non Router node.
  • Node address
  • Network address


Time it took to the packet to travel from the tag to the sink.


Field specifying the alarm type occurred on the device. The possible alarm triggers are:

  • Button pressed (single short press, single long press, double press)
  • Horizontal position detection (if configured)
  • Free-fall detection (if configured)
  • Shock detection (if configured)
  • Man-Down detection (if configured)


A tag changed its operation mode

This event is raised when a Tag changes its operation mode.

Event Data specification

  "id": `string`,
  "travel_time": `number`,
  "operation_mode": `string`

Events fields description


Node unique identifier, composed by:

  • Node type prefix: S Sink, R Router node, N Non Router node.
  • Node address
  • Network address


Time it took to the packet to travel from the tag to the sink.


Current operation mode of the tag. Possible values are:

  • NRLS Tag
    the tag is in sleep mode between two measurement updates and wakes-up at periodic configurable intervals to perform a network scan, send the collected measurements, receive application configuration and switch back to sleep mode.

    Note: Tags operating with this mode are not connected to the mesh network and cannot receive commands.

  • Autoscan Tag
    In the autoscan mode the connectivity to the WM is maintained as long as possible throughout the lifetime of the tag. Since the tag is continuously connected, it is possible to send and receive data messages at any moment.


A tag was removed from the system

This event is raised when a Mesh Tag is removed from the list of the Mesh Tags detected by the system.

Event Data specification

  "id": `string`


Unique tag identifier.


A tag status has changed

This event is raised when a MeshIPS Tag changes its state.

Event Data specification

  "id": `string`,
  "travel_time": `number`,
  "current_state": `string`,

Events fields description


Unique tag identifier.


Time it took to the packet to travel from the tag to the sink.


Field specifying the current state of the tag. The possible states are:

  • Default
    startup and default operating state of the tag, with a configurable positioning interval.
  • Motion
    state triggered after motion detection by the accelerometer.
  • Alarm
    state triggered by detection of an alarm condition (Button pressed, Horizontal position detection, Free-fall detection, Shock detection, Man-Down detection)
  • Sleep
    state mainly used for tag storage or for tracking tags with extremely long periods of absence of motion.


Field specifying the previous state of the tag. The possible states are:

  • Default
  • Motion
  • Alarm
  • Sleep


A tag changed its position on the system maps

Event raised when a tag changes its position on the map.

Event Data specification

  "from_cache": `boolean`,
  "wrapper_type": `string`,
  "id": `string`,
  "alias": `string`,
  "node_id": `string`,
  "node_address": `number`,
  "node_network_id": `number`,
  "node_role": `string`,
  "version": `string`,
  "node_class": `string`,
  "operation_mode": `string`,
  "alarm": `string`,
  "state": `string`,
  "state_time": `number`,
  "anchors": `number`,
  "anchor": [
      "id": `string`,
      "address": `number`,
      "last_update": `number`,
      "rssi": -`number`,
      "detection_radius": `number`,
      "position": `object`
  "positioning_log_enabled": `boolean`,
  "positioning_mode": `string`,
  "location": {
    "updated_on": `number`,
    "travel_time": `number`,
    "map": `number`,
    "map_description": `string`,
    "position": `object`,
    "zone": `object`,
    "accuracy": `number`,
    "anchors": [
        "id": `string`,
        "address": `number`,
        "last_update": `number`,
        "rssi": `number`,
        "detection_radius": `number`,
        "position": `object`
  "last_update": `number`,
  "last_update_time": `number`,
  "battery": `number`,
  "status": `string`

Events fields description


The node was loaded from the system cache and no update was received by the system from last restart.

A node can be from_cache only after a system reboot.


Tag unique identifier, composed by:

  • Tag prefix
  • The node type prefix: S Sink, R Router node, N Non Router node
  • The node address
  • The network address


Alias assigned to the node.

The system does not check whether this value is not unique across the same network.


The node unique identifier, composed by:

  • The node type prefix: S Sink, R Router node, N Non Router node.
  • The node address
  • The network address


The node address


The node network identifier


Defines the role of the tag:

  • Sink node
  • Router node
  • Non router node


Field specifying the class of the node:

  • F9 default Anchor class
  • FA default Asset Tag class
  • FB default Personal Tag class
  • FC
  • FD
  • FE
  • FF


  • NRLS Tag
    the tag is in sleep mode between two measurement updates and wakes-up at periodic configurable intervals to perform a network scan, send the collected measurements, receive application configuration and switch back to sleep mode.

    Note: Tags operating with this mode are not connected to the mesh network and cannot receive commands.

  • Autoscan Tag
    In the autoscan mode the connectivity to the WM is maintained as long as possible throughout the lifetime of the tag. Since the tag is continuously connected, it is possible to send and receive data messages at any moment.


Field specifying the type of alarm active on the device.


Field specifying the previous state of the tag. The possible states are:

  • Default
  • Motion
  • Alarm
  • Sleep


Object containing the list and the properties of all the anchors that detect the tags.


Relative measured RSSI between the tag and the anchor.


Estimated distance between the tag and the anchor, based on the RSSI value.


Specifies if the logging of the positioning of the tag is enabled.


Specifies the positioning mode configured, that can be:

  • trilateration
  • zone-based


Object summarizing important information about the location of the tag.


Field specifying the status of the node, that can be:

  • online
  • offline


A tag lost its position the the system maps

Event raised when the system is not able to calculate the position of a tag.

Event Data specification

  "id": `string`

Events fields description


Tag unique identifier, composed by:

  • The TAG_ prefix
  • The node role (N)
  • The node address
  • The network address


Node state has changed

This event is raised when a Node Tag changed its state.

Event Data specification

  "id": `string`,
  "travel_time": `number`,
  "current_state": `string`,

Events fields description


Unique tag identifier.


Time it took to the packet to travel from the tag to the sink.


Field specifying the current state of the tag. The possible states are:

  • Default
    startup and default operating state of the tag, with a configurable positioning interval.
  • Motion
    state triggered after motion detection by the accelerometer.
  • Alarm
    state triggered by detection of an alarm condition (Button pressed, Horizontal position detection, Free-fall detection, Shock detection, Man-Down detection)
  • Sleep
    state mainly used for tag storage or for tracking tags with extremely long periods of absence of motion.


Field specifying the previous state of the tag. The possible states are:

  • Default
  • Motion
  • Alarm
  • Sleep


An ACK was received for a command sent to node

This event occurs when an ACK is received after sending command to node with ACK.

Event Data specification

  network_id: `number`,
  address: `number`,
  ack: `string`

Events fields description


The node network identifier


The node address


The ack identifier